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Pannonhalmi Apátsági Pincészet - Tricollis 2022

Price: $14.00

Producer Pannonhalmi Apátsági Pincészet
Country Hungary
Region Pannonhalma
Varietal Welschriesling Riesling Gewürztraminer Pinot Blanc
Vintage 2022
Sku 010129
ABV 13.00%

Pannonhalmi Apátsági Pincészet directly translates in Hungarian to “The Abbey Winery in Pannonhalma”. Winemaking started in the Pannonhalma region when Benedictine monks founded the monastery of Pannonhalma in 996 CE. The monks have always been closely associated with viticulture and winemaking since it was introduced by the Romans. Social and political turmoil following World War II made it impossible to continue the centuries-old traditions, since both the properties and the winery were taken over by the Communist state. In the ensuing decades, monks living in Pannonhalma did not give up hope of resuscitating their wine-making traditions. Since the fall of Communism, the monks have revived the viticultural traditions and the wineries. In 2000, the abbey repurchased vineyards that had been confiscated and began replanting grape vines in the same year. The main grape varieties are Rhine Riesling, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Gewürztraminer, and Welshriesling.

Apátsági’s Tricollis is a delightful blend of 40% Welschriesling, 35% Riesling, 15% Gewürztraminer, and 10% Pinot Blanc. The wine is gorgeously aromatic on the nose with a beautiful mix of white flowers and summer fruits. The palate is brisk, crisp and refreshing — the perfect aperitif —  though displays a hint of richness in the finish, representative of the Pannonhalma wine region.

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